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KSU BrainLab

KSU BrainLab

Steve Krontz talks KSU BrainLab

KSU BrainLab

On this week’s episode we sat down with Steve Krontz, Director of Innovation at the KSU BrainLab, located in the Coles College of Business.  They’re doing some remarkable work, using brain activity studies to analyze how individuals react to a logo, or a flavor, or a host of business-related stimuli.  Additionally, Steve and his team have been developing technology that will enable thought-to-text and thought-to-command capabilities.

This means they will be able to empower individuals who have neurologic problems that inhibit muscular control/activity such that they are rendered unable to speak or communicate.  With this soon-available technology, persons dealing with such problems will be able to interact with their environment and their caregivers.

Steve explained how the KSU BrainLab at Coles College of Business partners with businesses small and large to help them answer important questions that help them be more effective in their work.  The college is actively seeking companies who are looking to address important questions with their help.

The KSU BrainLab at Coles College of Business website describes their work this way, “Part science lab and part technology incubator, at the BrainLab we work to align computer technology with the human neurological system. Through our research we create meaningful applications for brain-computer interfaces by studying how users respond to and control brain-based devices.”

It is rewarding to help bring awareness to innovative initiatives like the KSU BrainLab at Coles College of Business.  I was surprised to learn that, as Steve explained, the ability to use thought to communicate as well as to interact with our environment is potentially less than 10 years away.  Such technology could clearly have an extensive impact on a wide range of healthcare patients as well as business.

Special Guest:

Steve Krontz, Director Innovation,  KSU BrainLab, Coles College of Business  twitter_logo_small  linkedin_small1  facebook_logo_small3  youtube-logo1

KSU BrainLab

  • BBA, Marketing, Kennesaw State University, Michael J. Coles College of Business
  • Founder, Krontz Media LLC
  • Executive Director/Solutions Architect, Big Eyed Fish Creative Consulting


AirWatch by VM Ware

AirWatch by VM Ware

AirWatch by VM Ware’s Aamir Siddiqi

AirWatch by VM Ware

On this week’s episode we sat down with Aamir Siddiqi, the Executive Director for Enterprise Sales, Healthcare, for AirWatch by VM Ware.  AirWatch is known as an industry leader and innovator in the mobile enterprise security and services space.

The rise and evolution of mobile devices as business tools has been both a boon and a bane for enterprises.  While on one hand, they serve as efficient tools that facilitate work flow, collaboration, and productivity, they also create significant security risks for the business.

When you add the additional layer of sensitivity and compliance requirements for handling patient health information, this risk is of high importance to address in the healthcare arena.

With their well-known expertise in mobile security coupled with their recent acquisition by VM Ware, AirWatch plays a large role in helping healthcare organizations, both acute and sub-acute, take advantage of mobile tech’s efficiencies while protecting data across all devices on the network.

Special Guest:

Aamir Siddiqi, Executive Director of Enterprise Sales, Healthcare at AirWatch by VM Ware  twitter_logo_small  linkedin_small1  facebook_logo_small3  youtube-logo1  google-plus-logo-red-265px

AirWatch by VM Ware

  • BA, Management and Economics, University of Toronto at Scarborough
  • Previous National Sales Manager, Ultrasound IT Americas, GE Healthcare
  • Former Senior Business Consultant, CDC Software
  • Previous Director, Sales Engineering, Raindance

Investment Capital, Hospice, and Legal Trends in Healthcare

Health Connect South

Jack Draughon and Matt Brohm join CW Hall on Health Connect South Radio

Investment Capital, Hospice, and Legal Trends in Healthcare

Over the course of the show we have often heard our guests expressing the fact that access to investment capital is one of their biggest needs. On our previous episode we talked with Tif Walker from Georgia Center for Medical Innovation about the fact that in spite of having a rapidly-growing technology ecosystem full of promising technology solutions led by excellent leadership, Atlanta lags behind the traditionally-recognized centers for investment resources.

On this week’s show we hosted Jack Draughon and Matt Brohm to talk about investment capital, hospice, and legal trends in healthcare. Jack’s early years in his career were spent in investment banking, private equity, and mergers/acquisitions in the healthcare arena. After spending several years in the investment world and overseeing a larger merger with a hospice company, he began to become interested in forming a hospice care company that would both provide a high level of care and compassion, as well as have sound leadership and marketing strategy and resources.

He co-founded the hospice company Halcyon, which he and his colleagues were able to see fulfill its potential, ultimately selling the company recently in a successful merger.  Jack shared his personal story of how he had experienced hospice care as the parent of his daughter who was found to have a congenital disorder incompatible with life upon birth.  This experience, coupled with working on the hospice merger in his work combined to inspire him to focus his career on this important healthcare specialty.

Matt Brohm, an attorney with Arnall, Golden, & Gregory, talked about trends in healthcare and explained how recent changes in the law have created a trend toward consolidation between hospitals and systems.  Many physician practices are also being purchased and becoming part of hospital groups.  Matt and his colleagues in the healthcare practice for AGG provide expertise and guidance to navigate these often complicated transactions.

Additionally, Matt shared how compliance with new laws and regulations mean that having access to legal experts who are fully versed in these matters can save their clients a great deal of risk and cost associated with making missteps in the process.

Special Guests:

Jack Draughon, Co-Founder of Halcyon Hospice  facebook_logo_small3  twitter_logo_small  feed-logo  linkedin_small1

Halcyon Hospice

  • BBA, Economics, University of Georgia Terry College of Business
  • Previous Director, Arcapita Inc

Matt Brohm, Attorney, Arnall, Golden, Gregory  twitter_logo_small  linkedin_small1  feed-logo

Arnall Golden Gregory

  • Doctor of Law, Syracuse University College of Law
  • BBA Business, University of Georgia

Global Center for Medical Innovation and T3 Labs

T3 Labs

Andrew Stevenson and Tif Wilson talk healthcare tech innovation


Global Center for Medical Innovation and T3 Labs

This week we hosted experts from the Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) and T3 Labs.  These two non-profit organizations are dedicated to providing an ecosystem and an environment that start-up healthcare technology companies can use to develop prototypes for new devices, as well as early stage production for them as they build toward commercialization.

Executive Director for GCMI, Tif Wilson, and Executive Director for T3 Labs, Andrew Stevenson, came by to talk about how their organizations are working to expand and improve the ecosystem for emerging healthcare technology cmopanies.

The Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) is the Southeast’s first and only comprehensive medical device innovation center, dedicated to accelerating development, building businesses and improving health. GCMI opened its doors in April 2012 and to date has worked with over 40 different startups, clinician innovators, university tech transfer offices and academic researchers to design, engineer, prototype, and facilitate commercialization of a broad range of innovative medical devices.

GCMI’s core team of designers and engineers collaborate closely with startups, clinicians, researchers, new product development teams and medtech entrepreneurs to accelerate time to market while reducing costs. The independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization has a robust and ever-growing network of experts, including intellectual property, regulatory, quality systems and investors, to help bring ideas from concept to market. In addition, through a close collaboration with our development partner, T3 Labs, medical device entrepreneurs and new product development teams have all of the critical resources they need to efficiently bring new products from an idea through GLP preclinical studies, all in Midtown Atlanta.

With 15 years of experience, T3’s mission remains – to provide high-value pre-clinical GLP (Good Lab Practices) compliant testing and training services to medical device, biologics, and pharmaceutical developers and manufacturers. We work with industry and academic sponsors to improve patient care by more effectively and efficiently developing and commercializing their devices and products. Contact them at (404) 251-0600.

T3 Labs is an independently-operated, privately-held, AAALAC accredited, GLP-compliant non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. In 2012, T3 became a wholly-owned subsidiary of a joint-operating company formed by Saint Joseph’s Health System and Emory Healthcare. Emory is recognized internationally as a leading academic medical center. By serving our industry and academic collaborators, T3 Labs is committed to supporting Emory/Saint Joseph’s tripartite mission: enabling discovery and innovation – via Testing; facilitating healthcare provider education – via Training; and enhancing patient-care – via medical product Translation.

Special Guests:

Tif Wilson, Executive Director of Global Center for Medical Innovation twitter_logo_small  linkedin_small1  

Global Center for Medical Innovation

  • MBA, Management & Strategy, Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business
  • Previous VP, Business Development & Strategy, ACell, Inc
  • 2012 HBA Women in Healthcare Leadership Award Nominee

Andrew Stevenson, Executive Director of T3 Labs 

T3 Labs

  • MBA, International Business, University of Delaware, Lerner College of Business and Economics
  • Previous Research Scientist, University of Pennsylvania, Departments of Pharmacology & Radiology
  • Former Senior Scientist, Bristol-Meyers, Squibb
  • Previous Project Leader/Director, Abbott

Genomics, Precision Medicine, and Big Data in Oncology

Cancer Treatment Centers of America

Dr. Brion Randolph of Cancer Treatment Centers of America talks genomics, precision medicine, and big data in oncology

Genomics, Precision Medicine, and Big Data in Oncology

We sat down with medical oncologist/hematologist, Dr. Brion Randolph, of Cancer Treatment Centers of America stopped by to talk about the impacts of genomics, precision medicine, and big data in oncology.  Dr. Randolph serves as the Chief Hematologist for the Cancer Treatment Centers facility located in Newnan, GA.

Randolph explained how genomics, or the study of DNA material of cancer cells to identify mutations that serve as “drivers” for their tumor cells.  The information gained is used to find the genetic information that turns these cancer cells on and off.  In some cases this data can reveal factors about the tumor cells that can be used when deciding what medication the physician should prescribe.  Often, this genetic data can indicate that another medicine that was originally used to treat another form of cancer in another region of the body could be effective for this particular patient’s case.

We also discussed how oncology is advancing in its use of big data, enabling multiple centers and research studies to leverage results from around the community to advance their work and/or discover trends or commonalities.  Dr. Randolph also explained how we still have a distance to go before we have a broad acceptance and participation in big data as organizations seek to protect and leverage their discoveries and results.

Special Guest:

Dr. Brion Randolph, Chief Medical Hematologist, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, GA  twitter_logo_small  facebook_logo_small3  Pinterest LOGO  google-plus-logo-red-265px  youtube-logo1

Dr. Brion Randolph

  • MS, Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee
  • Doctor of Medicine, University of South Carolina College of Medicine
  • Residency, Baylor University College of Medicine
  • Fellowship, Baylor University College of Medicine
  • Board Certified, Internal Medicine and Hematology and Oncology



Intent Solutions and NFANT Labs

healthcare technology

Lou Malice, Sam Zamarippa, Jay Shaffer, Tommy Cunningham

Intent Solutions and NFANT Labs

We sat down with experts from two Atlanta area health technology companies, Intent Solutions and NFANT Labs.  Joining us in studio were Lou Malice, Sam Zamarippa, and Tommy Cunningham.  Intent Solutions is a start-up that is developing a device aimed at improving compliance with prescribed medication regimens, as well as helping to improve likelihood the intended person has access to the medicine.

In its early phase of development, Intent Solutions has positioned itself to be an effective tool for pharmaceutical research studies.  In these studies, it is vital that participants adhere to the prescribed medication regimen in order to obtain the most effective and accurate test results.

The Intent Solutions device has a secure chamber that contains the pills for the particular prescription.  Called “TAD” (standing for “take as directed”), the device utilizes fingerprint technology to identify the user before dispensing medication.  Additionally, the TAD device is able to connect with the patient’s mobile device (and the prescribing entity) to share updates on efforts to access medication by unauthorized users, whether medication was dispensed, and it can send the patient reminders, prompting them to take their medication.

In this way, the TAD device facilitates medication research by improving compliance with the schedule the medication was intended to be taken on.

NFANT Labs has developed a device that uses sensors that can give a care giver visual feedback on a monitor regarding a NICU baby’s sucking patterns while feeding, a task that for many premies is challenging.  Until now, the only way a practitioner could assess the sucking strength and patterns was to literally use a finger in the infant’s mouth.

The difficulty these young babies face is often related to a weak tongue, ineffective tongue movements, and uncoordinated swallowing timing.  This predisposes them to consuming inadequate calories as well as creating the risk for aspiration pneumonia, both of which can lead to additional length of stay and even mortality.

The NFANT Labs monitor fits between the nipple and the bottle used to feed the child.  It has a sensor that detects the up and down motion of the tongue, as well as negative pressure being generated by the suckling infant.  It converts the data to wave forms on a monitor that the care giver can follow, allowing them to slow or pause feeding to allow the child to “catch up” with dispensed milk or to re-position them them to assess whether it leads to a more effective sucking pattern.

Special Guests:

Lou Malice, CEO of Intent Solutions and NFANT Labs

Intent Solutions

Sam Zamarippa, VP of Strategy and Business Development, Intent Solutions

Intent Solutions

Tommy Cunningham, Co-founder of NFANT Labs




Adrian Davis of MyIdealDoctor talks telehealth


This week we sat down with Adrian Davis, CEO of MyIdealDoctor, a telehealth company.  Adrian shared how he had spent the early years of his career in health technology and equipment sales and distribution.  With the passage of the ACA he and several of his associates saw an opportunity to help meet a need for access to medical care, taking advantage of technology.

They launched the company to begin to help patients to be able to speak directly with a physician from wherever they are using phone, smart phone/mobile device, or via a computer connection.  Their initial focus has been upon episodic patient needs centered around non-emergent complaints such as respiratory infections, minor cuts, sore throats, etc.

In many cases the physician is able to use the camera on the device, along with interview, to make a diagnosis and prescribe medication to treat the problem.  Additionally, if the patient’s complaint is too severe or worrisome to be able to handle the problem remotely, they make recommendations to seek care in a nearby urgent care center or emergency department.

In this way MyIdealDoctor is able to have an impact on the volume of patients being seen in the urgent care and more importantly, in the emergency rooms, allowing them to focus on more acutely-ill patients.

The company has focused their initial service model on corporate health, providing their care model to businesses offering the service as a component of their employee health plans.  MyIdealDoctor will be providing their service to the general population soon.

Special Guest:

Adrian Davis, CEO/ Co-founder of MyIdealDoctor  twitter_logo_small  linkedin_small1  facebook_logo_small3


  • BS, Microbiology, University of Georgia
  • Co-founder/Partner, United Medical Enterprises
  • Previous GI/Ultrasound Territory Manager, Philips
  • Former IV Therapy Territory Manager, Baxter Healthcare




This week on Health Connect South Radio we featured Bob Bean, CEO of Harmonyx, a technology company specializing in pharmacogenomics.  Pharmacogenomics is the study of how genes affect a person’s response to drugs. This relatively new field combines pharmacology (the science of drugs) and genomics (the study of genes and their functions) to develop effective, safe medications and doses that will be tailored to a person’s genetic makeup.

As we have learned on previous episodes of the show, taking medications correctly is vital to achieving a positive outcome.  In fact, incorrectly taking a medication or taking certain combinations of medications can actually make you very sick or even kill you.

Add to that this fact–our genetic code can affect how our body responds to a given medication we’re taking.  For example, 30% of people who take Plavix, the popular anti-platelet medication to prevent stroke, get no effect from taking the drug due to a particular genetic mutation.  Consider the money spent by 1/3 of patients taking this medicine and it’s literally doing nothing in their body.

Harmonyx employs a non-invasive cheek swab which collects a DNA sample which is then tested for that individual’s genetically-driven response to a prescribed medication.  Depending on the results, it may be possible for the pharmacist and physician to identify another medication from that particular medicine family that will have the desired effect and/or avoid possible negative responses to the original med.

The test is available at participating pharmacies and can provide useful information for patients taking statin medication, ADHD meds, pain medication, and anti-platelet medication.  The test will reveal if the patient’s body will respond as expected or if they may experience adverse effects due to the way their body processes the prescribed medication.

In this way the patient is able to get medical treatment that is likely to have the desired outcome while avoiding probable negative effects and/or spending money and taking a medicine that literally does nothing for them.

On this episode I also shared the conversation I had with Ebola survivor, Dr. Ian Crozier, who was a keynote speaker at the 2015 Health Connect South event.  Ian was providing care to Ebola patients in Sierra Leone when he contracted the disease.  He had the good fortune of being flown to Emory Hospital in Atlanta for intense specialized care.  In spite of significant damage to numerous organs including kidneys, eyes, and even his brain, Ian survived and shared his poignant story with the attendees of this year’s event.

I was very pleased to get to meet him and speak with him for a few minutes.

Special Guests:

Bob Bean, CEO of Harmonyx


Dr. Ian Crozier, Ebola Survivor


Vitamin C and OBMedical Company

Vitamin C

Osama Hashmi of Vitamin C

 Vitamin C and OBMedical Company

On this episode of Health Connect South Radio we hosted the CEO and co-founder of Vitamin C and President/CEO of OB Medical Company.  These two companies are creating technology innovations that help two distinct groups, physician practices and expectant mothers in the birthing process, respectively.

Vitamin C’s Osama Hashmi realized that increasing focus on population health management measures meant a need for greater engagement with particular patient groups.  In order to effectively manage chronic diseases such as diabetes or even regular wellness follow up, practices often need to interact with patients to get these visits scheduled.  In many cases, patients won’t take initiative to schedule them themselves.

Hashmi and his colleagues decided to create a platform that interfaces with existing EMR’s that allows providers to ID target populations and create a variety of pre-created content for distribution to patients.  In some cases, it’s a pre-recorded automated phone call that can encourage the scheduling of a follow up visit.  In others, it may be an automated call that queries the patient for particular data such as vitals or blood sugars, quantity of exercise, etc.

In still others, it may be a text or email generated that goes to the patient.  In this way, the providers are able to more effectively “scale” their resources to be able to reach what is often hundreds or even thousands of patients with necessary contact to facilitate follow up.  The end result is better patient outcomes as well as increased revenue for the practice due to scheduling of necessary, yet high-Revenue visits (based on time/acuity).

OBMedical Company saw an opportunity to improve upon monitoring technology used in the OB delivery room.  As I spoke with President/CEO, Weaver Gaines, he explained the technology for the fetal heart rate, contraction frequency/intensity, etc. have not really changed in roughly 40 years.

Today, mothers are tethered to a monitor by wires leading to sensors that are held in place by elastic velcro straps that encircle the mother’s abdomen.  They are challenging to keep in position and can provide limited accuracy in cases where the mother is particularly obese.

OBMedical Company has designed a monitoring device that uses wireless electrodes that measure electrical current through the patient’s skin rather than having to rely on skin tension.  This allows the mother to be able to ambulate in the room during labor while continuing to be monitored.  Additionally, it allows for greater accuracy when the mother is obese.

Osama Hashmi, CEO/Chief Product Officer, of VitaminC  github  linkedin_small1  twitter_logo_small-e1403698475314  facebook_logo_small3


  • Doctor of Medicine, College of Georgia, Georgia Regents University
  • Master of Public Health, University of Georgia
  • Previous Policy Director, Roosevelt Institute, University of Georgia
  • Former Research Assistant, Stanford University

Weaver Gaines, President/CEO of OBMedical Company  linkedin_small1

OBMedical Company

  • Juris Doctor, University of Virginia School of Law
  • Director and Treasurer, Dance Alive National Ballet
  • Chairman, Board of Directors, Florida Research Consortium
  • Adjunct Professor, University of Virginia School of Law

Center for Health Transformation

Center for Health Transformation

Steve Fraime of WellStar’s Center for Health Transformation

Center for Health Transformation

I hosted Steve Fraime, Director of WellStar’s Center for Health Transformation on this episode.  WellStar is rather unique in its investment in an internal center for health innovation—that’s a department typically seen at academic medical centers.  The WellStar health system engages with their providers to uncover ideas for opportunities to innovate that will improve patient outcomes and patient experience, as well as ideas that will improve work environment for the system.

Steve explained how the Center for Health Transformation initially got its start as a think tank designed to pull together leaders from 20 health systems to identify best practices and facilitate innovation among them.  As the initiative got going, it became evident that often, participants were reticent to share information that was perceived to give a particular organization some measure of market advantage.

Ultimately, WellStar decided they would pull the concept within their borders to focus on internal innovations that will improve their overall performance.  From there, the organization worked to regularly interface with physicians within the system, along with folks in leadership roles to get suggestions for processes that could be improved upon.

Steve talked about two projects that were suggested by providers.  One project that was brought by orthopedic surgeons was to explore the possibility of developing a more reliable means of producing a cast for fractured extremities.  Another was to address the challenge for patients to navigate the large, multi-site, multi-building campuses that constitute the WellStar health system.

The Center for Health Innovation chose to collaborate with the Georgia Tech Capstone project.

Special Guest:

Steve Fraime, BSN, Director of WellStar Center for Health Transformation  linkedin_small1  youtube-logo1  google-plus-logo-red-265px

WellStar Center for Health Innovation

  • Previous Assistant Manager, Emergency & Trauma Services, WellStar Paulding
  • MBA, Georgia State University J Mack Robinson School of Business
  • Masters of Healthcare Administration, Georgia State University
  • BSN, Georgia State University